How’s That for Telling ’em, Fat Lady?: A Short Life in the American Theatre was published in 1988 by Faber and Faber. It describes Simon Gray’s experiences of putting on productions of his plays The Common Pursuit and Dog Days in Los Angeles and New York. He adapted it for the television film, Unnatural Pursuits.

John Osborne on How’s That for Telling ‘Em, Fat Lady?

“This is not only the funniest book ever written about the American theatre, but a biliously accurate memoir of the inescapable beastliness of modern life. It splutters with instantly comic characters like snooty hotel clerks, vile shop assistants, purchase xanax online subversive electricians, as well as Yankee theatre grotesques. Richest of all these is the self-portrait of the author, whose bellicose melancholy and fortitude is so ripe and raw. For those who dread grease-paint anecdotalism, don’t be put off. It’s a terrific comic adventure, terrifically told with exquisite ill-temper.”

John Osborne, Spectator


How’s That For Telling ‘Em, Fat Lady is included in a new volume of diaries which will shortly be published by Faber. Simon Gray: The Early Diaries will be published on July 15th 2010. To order a copy at special offer 25% discount using code GRAYPLAYS please contact Faber.